Claims Information
Product Type
Filing a Motor Claim

Etiqa Insurance Pte. Ltd.:
Click on the relevant tab and proceed to register for an account to enable the claim submission.

AXA Insurance Pte Ltd:

Liberty Insurance Pte Ltd:

What to do in the event of a motor accident?


The Motor Claims Framework (MCF) provides the following clear and common procedures for the reporting of motor accidents:

Three Steps to Take After a Car Accident
  1. Exchange Particulars of Parties Involved in the Accident and take note of the vehicle numbers.
  2. Take photos of the scene of the accident and the damages to all vehicles.

Call your insurer's Hotline for a Tow-Truck or further advice on the accident.


Report the accident to your insurer within 24 Hours or by the next working day.

If you do not report an accident,
  • Your insurer may repudiate liability;
  • Your No-Claims Discount may be docked upon the renewal of your policy; and
  • Your insurer may cancel or refuse to renew your policy.
If there are injured parties in an accident, call for medical assistance and the police immediately.

Make a Traffic Police report as soon as possible or within 24 hours of the accident if the accident involves:

  • Fatality;
  • Damage to government property;
  • Foreign vehicle;
  • Pedestrian or cyclist;
  • Hit-and-run case; or
  • Injury cases where
  1. at least one person involved in the accident was taken to hospital from the accident scene by an ambulance/ self-conveyed; or
  2. any party involved in the accident was injured and obtained outpatient medical leave for 3 days or more.
Filing a Traffic Police report is not equivalent to making a report to your insurer. Please note that after filing a Traffic Police report, you are also required to report to your insurer within 24 working hours or by the next working day.
If you do not report an accident,
  • Your insurer may repudiate liability;
  • Your No-Claims Discount may be docked upon the renewal of your policy; and
  • Your insurer may cancel or refuse to renew your policy.


  • Do not move your vehicle before taking photographs of the accident scene.
  • If someone is injured or there has been a fatal accident, please do not attempt to move the injured person or vehicle(s).
  • Under the MCF, motorists are strongly advised not to have any dealings with unauthorised tow-truck operators at the scene of accident.

Should you need any further assistance, please feel free to call us.